
Ormiston Denes Academy is committed to delivering an exceptional education for its students. As such, all aspects of our provision are required to be of the highest standard. Our expert governance team works to both support and hold to account senior leaders in the fulfilment of our aspirations.

Our governors

  • Work with leaders to communicate the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the academy, and develop a culture of ambition.
  • Provide a balance of challenge and support to leaders, understanding the strengths and areas needing improvement at the academy.
  • Understand the impact of teaching, learning and assessment on the progress of students in the academy.
  • Ensure that the academy’s finances are properly managed, and can evaluate how the academy is using the pupil premium, Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium and special educational needs funding.
  • Are transparent and accountable, including in the recruitment of staff, governance structures, attendance at meetings and contact with parents.

Chair of Governors, Mrs Tina Ellis can be contacted by emailing our Clerk to the Governors (as shown below) or writing to Ormiston Denes Academy, Yarmouth Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR32 4AH.

Clerk to the Governors is Mrs S Pitts who can be contacted at [email protected]

You can contact our governors via the academy: [email protected]

Mrs Kate Williams

Kate has wide ranging leadership experience over the last decade, both as a principal and also as a part of a senior leadership team that took a school in challenging circumstances to outstanding over just three years. Her experiences of leading on learning and teaching and then on improving student outcomes resulted in significant improvements across more than one school. She has been a leader in coastal, urban and rural schools and brings a wealth of experience to Ormiston Denes Academy.

Kate is passionate about ensuring that every child is happy, safe and successful and that each child is an individual whose talents should be discovered and nurtured and whose needs cannot be allowed to be a barrier to learning. She believes that developing quality leaders is key to sustainable progress and that quality first teaching is key to ensuring that no child is left behind.

Mrs Tina Ellis, Chair of Governors
and Community Governor

Tina has had extensive senior leadership within the civil service and particularly skills development. She is a Governor at East Coast College including being its link governor for safeguarding: A member of the Lowestoft and Waveney Chamber of Commerce Executive and its Suffolk wide People and Skills Group.

This passion for skills includes supporting employers with their future skills needs and ensuring every young person is helped to make successful future career choices.

She believes in consistent partnership working with all our stakeholders particularly parents/ carers and grandparents.

When not providing support to the community, Mrs Ellis enjoys reading, walking and gardening.

Carole Davis
Vice Chair of Governors

Mrs Davies, linked with linked with curriculum, pupil premium, student voice, PSHE and MFL, has sat on our Governing Body since 2019. Carole taught modern languages in North Suffolk and Norfolk for many years. She was also a deputy head teacher and particularly interested in core skills, curriculum development and citizenship related school activities. Carole is also supporting our Student leadership body. She enjoys gardening, walking and travelling.

Louise Bernasconi, Parent Governor linked with safeguarding
Cath Craig, Community Governor for SEND (Pastoral)
Mr Steve Keeble, Community Governor for SEND (Curriculum)

After working in dental technology, Steve did an Open University science degree followed by teacher training.

He has worked full time in Education from 1997, as a Teacher of Science, Head of a Science Department and as an Assistant Principal in two local schools.

Steve’s interest and passion for learning has also involved him being a Voluntary Community Education worker, working for the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust as a Lead Practitioner and as an action researcher with University of Cambridge.

His main interests are in curriculum, science, SEND, and vocational options.

He retired from working in education in 2020.

Steve enjoys being a grandad to two grandsons, playing guitar, cooking, hill walking and kayaking.

Mr Lee Nevill, Community Governor

Lee joined as a new community governor in February 2022. However, he has 20 years in further education experience to support his passion and enthusiasm for helping others to be better.  Lee is also currently the teaching and learning manager at East Coast College. Part of his responsibility is leading teacher development and quality improvements by pro-actively supporting and developing teaching and learning support staff to ensure a high-quality student experience through exceptional teaching, learning and assessment in all settings. This also includes the management of key learning strands including digital capability; teacher training, library and learning services; and quality assurance. Other classroom experience includes teaching and managing English, maths, ICT, ESOL and adult courses. Lee is also a keen footballer, and when there is time, enjoys treading the boards in the odd play or musical!

Ellen Blackie
Mrs Julie Richings, Staff Governor

Mrs Richings (previously Ms Mayo) and linked with mental health and wellbeing (students), has worked at Ormiston Denes Academy for 16 years, initially as a business & enterprise co-ordinator and, for the last number of years as transition and co-curriculum Projects Manager. Julie was elected support staff governor in April this year, and has taken on the role of link governor for student mental health and wellbeing. She is passionate about our students, and supports them with transition from primary school, and from secondary school into college, work experience, trips, projects and workshops. Mrs Richings supports our strong careers programme. Her main hobbies are walking with her two dogs, spending time with her three grandchildren, and gardening – something she has spent hours on, due to Covid restrictions at venues, this was their chosen location for their wedding reception.

Mrs. Claire Wilkinson, Teaching Staff Governor

How to make a complaint

Please refer to the complaints policy in the first instance, which can be found on our policies and guidance page here.

Additional information

If you wish to contact our governors please email the academy in the first instance, care of [email protected]

Ormiston Trust, OAT’s sponsor Trust is a charity and grant-making trust dedicated to improving the life chances of children and young people who face disadvantage.

Ormiston Trust (OT) was founded by Peter Murray in 1969 in memory of his sister Fiona Ormiston Murray.

In 2006 the Trust became an academy sponsor, aiming to increase educational opportunity for all young people and to narrow the attainment gap. Through its subsidiary, Ormiston Academies Trust, OT is now responsible for a network of primary and secondary schools across the country from Grimsby to the Isle of Wight. Work in Ormiston academies is underpinned by a set of shared values including a commitment to parental and community engagement. 

OAT is a charitable voluntary organisation which relies on the valuable input of a considerable number of non-executive volunteers, supported by an experienced team of staff. OAT is a relatively large Multi-Academy Trust that covers a sizeable geographical area. The Trust have been moving towards a more regional model of governance in order to better support school improvement.

In the OAT governance model, each academy is ultimately governed by the Board of Trustees. Ormiston Academies Trust will establish for each academy, a Local Governing Body. Local governance is delivered through these Local Governing Bodies, who are made up of staff, parents, local community members and a trust representative. National Governance is set by the Board of Trustees and delivered through the National Executive Team and the Regional Directors, on behalf of the Board.